生物醫學大樓 五樓R508室
國立陽明大學 生化暨分子生物研究所 副教授
國立陽明大學 生化暨分子生物研究所 助理教授
以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學 化學系 博士後研究員
國立台灣師範大學 化學系 博士後研究員
國立台灣大學 生化科技學系 博士後研究員
(1) 刺激響應核酸膠囊:利用具生物相容性之核酸分子,自組裝形成包裹藥物或顯影試劑之球狀膠囊,以功能性核酸做為載體開關設計在核酸膠囊殼層中,當功能性核酸感測到不同疾病特有之生物標記刺激時,會選擇性地依環境中存在的生物標記種類及濃度,引起膠囊結構改變並開啟,進而釋放藥物。
(2) 新型催化性核酸 (Nucleoapzymes):為了在核酸奈米技術的整合應用上更靈活多變,催化性核酸的設計概念,是模擬蛋白質酵素同時具有基質的結合位點與活性位點,在設計上將DNA酵素 (DNAzymes) 與核酸適體 (aptamers) 鍵結,探討鍵結距離與方位 (3’或5’端) 對催化活性之影響,以篩選設計不同用途與催化活性之新型催化性核酸。
(3) 生物感測平台:為達到快速、精準的分析物檢測,運用生物分子 (如:核酸、抗體) 特有之專一性進行分析物的識別,結合各類型的訊號放大轉換機制,像是具催化性質的人造奈米材料 (nanozymes),將分析物的訊息轉換為電化學或光學信號,並從中進行訊號放大。

Huang, L.-H.; Hsieh, Y.-Y.; Yang, F.-A.; Liao, W.-C.* DNA-modified Prussian Blue Nanozymes for Enhanced Electrochemical Biosensing. Nanoscale 2024, 16, 9770-9780.
Singuru, M. M. R.; Chen, J.-L.; Chen, H.-Y.;Liao, W.-C.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Chuang, M.-C. MercuryII-Mediated Construction of DNA Capsules for Turn-On Fluorescence Detection of Melamine. Microchim. Acta 2024, 191, 658.
Lin, Y.-H.; Singuru, M. M. R.; Marpaung, D. S. S.; Liao, W.-C.*; Chuang, M.-C.* Ethylene Glycol-Manipulated Syntheses of Calcium Carbonate Particles and DNA Capsules toward Efficient ATP-Responsive Cargo Release. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2023, 6, 3351-3360.
Yang, F.-A.; Wu, Y.-T.; Liu, Y.-W.; Liao, W.-C.* Hybridization Chain Reaction-Assisted Enzyme Cascade Genosensor for the Detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Talanta 2023, 254, 124193.
Singuru, M. M. R.; Liao, Y.-C.; Lin, G. M.-H.; Chen, W.-T.; Lin, Y.-H.; To, C. T.; Liao, W.-C.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chuang, M.-C.* Engineered Multivalent DNA Capsules for Multiplexed Detection of Genotoxicants via Versatile Controlled Release Mechanisms. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2022, 216, 114608.
Chang, W.-H.; Lee, Y.-F.; Liu, Y.-W.; Willner, I.*; Liao, W.-C.* Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel Microcapsules for the Amplified Detection of MicroRNAs. Nanoscale 2021, 13, 16799-16808.
Singuru, M. M. R.; Liao, W.-C.*; Chuang, M.-C.* Genotoxin-Responsive DNA Capsules for the Detection of Styrene Oxide. Sensors Actuators B: Chem. 2021, 349, 130776.
Lilienthal, S.; Fischer, A.; Liao, W.-C.; Cazelles, R.; Willner, I.* Single and Bilayer Polyacrylamide Hydrogel-Based Microcapsules for the Triggered Release of Loads, Logic Gate Operations, and Intercommunication between Microcapsules. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 31124–31136.
Chen, W.-H.; Liao, W.-C.; Sohn, Y. S.; Fadeev, M.; Cecconello, A.; Nechushtai, R.; Willner, I.* Stimuli-Responsive Nucleic Acid-Based Polyacrylamide Hydrogel-Coated Metal–Organic Framework Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug Release. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1705137.
Liao, W.-C.; Willner, I. Synthesis and Applications of Stimuli-Responsive DNA-Based Nano- and Micro-Sized Capsules. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1702732.
Chen, W.-H.; Yu, X.; Liao, W.-C.; Sohn, Y. S.; Cecconello, A.; Kozell, A.; Nechushtai, R.; Willner, I.* ATP-Responsive Aptamer-Based Metal–Organic Framework Nanoparticles (NMOFs) for the Controlled Release of Loads and Drugs. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1702102.
Liao, W.-C.; Lilienthal, S.; Kahn, J. S.; Riutin, M.; Sohn, Y. S.; Nechushtai, R.; Willner, I.* pH- and Ligand-Induced Release of Loads from DNA-Acrylamide Hydrogel Microcapsules. Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 3362-3373.
Wang, S.; Cazelles, R.; Liao, W.-C.; Vázquez-González, M.; Zoabi, A.; Abu-Reziq, R.; Willner, I.* Mimicking Horseradish Peroxidase and NADH Peroxidase by Heterogeneous Cu2+-Modified Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles. Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 20432048.
Vázquez-González, M.; Liao, W.-C.; Cazelles, R.; Wang, S.; Yu, X.; Gutkin, V.; Willner, I.* Mimicking Horseradish Peroxidase Functions Using Cu2+-Modified Carbon Nitride Nanoparticles or Cu2+-Modified Carbon Dots as Heterogeneous Catalysts. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 32473253.
Liao, W.-C.; Riutin, M.; Parak, W. J.; Willner, I.* Programmed pH-Responsive Microcapsules for the Controlled Release of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 8683–8689. Highlighted on nanotechweb.org, Aug 29, 2016. pH-Responsive DNA Capsules Release QD Loads, available at: http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/tech/66042
Liao, W.-C.; Sohn, Y. S.; Riutin, M.; Cecconello, A.; Parak, W. J.; Nechushtai, R.; Willner, I.* The Application of Stimuli-Responsive VEGF- and ATP-Aptamer-Based Microcapsules for the Controlled Release of an Anticancer Drug, and the Selective Targeted Cytotoxicity toward Cancer Cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 4262–4273.
Huang, F.; Liao, W.-C. (equal contribution); Sohn, Y. S.; Nechushtai, R.; Lu, C.-H.; Willner, I.* Light-Responsive and pH-Responsive DNA Microcapsules for Controlled Release of Loads. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 8936–8945.
Golub, E.; Albada, H. B.; Liao, W.-C.; Biniuri, Y.; Willner, I.* Nucleoapzymes: Hemin/G-Quadruplex DNAzyme–Aptamer Binding Site Conjugates with Superior Enzyme-like Catalytic Functions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 164–172.
Liao, W.-C.; Lu, C.-H.; Hartmann, R.; Wang, F.; Sohn, Y. S.; Parak, W. J.*; Willner, I.* Adenosine Triphosphate-Triggered Release of Macromolecular and Nanoparticle Loads from Aptamer/DNA-Cross-Linked Microcapsules. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 9078–9086. Highlighted on nanotechweb.org, Aug 24, 2015. Cross-Linked Microcapsules Release Anti-Cancer Drugs, available at: http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/tech/62303
Lin, C.-H.*; Liao, W.-C.; Chen, H.-K.; Kuo, T.-Y. Paper Spray-MS for Bioanalysis. Bioanalysis 2014, 6, 199–208.
Liao, W.-C.; Ho, J.-a. A.* Improved Activity of Immobilized Antibody by Paratope Orientation Controller: Probing Paratope Orientation by Electrochemical Strategy and Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2014, 55, 32–38.
Liao, W.-C.; Chuang, M.-C.; Ho, J.-a. A.* Electrochemical Sensor for Multiplex Screening of Genetically Modified DNA: Identification of Biotech Crops by Logic-Based Biomolecular Analysis. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2013, 50, 414–420.
Ho, J.-a. A.*; Hsu, W.-L.; Liao, W.-C.; Chiu, J.-K.; Chen, M.-L.; Chang, H.-C.; Li, C.-C. Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Detection of Biotin Using Electrically Addressable Site-Oriented Antibody Immobilization Approach via Aminophenyl Boronic Acid. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2010, 26, 1021–1027.
Liao, W.-C.; Ho, J.-a. A.* Attomole DNA Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Escherichia coli O157. Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 2470–2476.
Cheng, Y. J.; Liao, W.-C.; Wang, C. M.* Proton-Assisted Iron(III) Recognition with 4,4’-(4,5-Diaminonaphthalen-1,8-Yldiazo)-Bisbenzenesulfonate. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2008, 612, 15–21.
Viswanathan, S.; Liao, W.-C.; Huang, C.-C.; Hsu, W.-L.; Ho, J.-a. A.* Rapid Analysis of L-Dopa in Urine Samples Using Gold Nanoelectrode Ensembles. Talanta 2007, 74, 229–234.